K-Guard® of Central Ohio

Do Gutter Heaters Work?

We’re all feeling the chill in the air, especially after a recent snowstorm dumping several inches earlier this month. Though our winters here in Central Ohio are beautiful when a storm blankets our area, there’s a lot of prep before and maintenance following a winter storm. You’ve probably spent some time laying down icemelt, shoveling, […]

Gutter Installation Mistakes to Avoid

Could you imagine a lopsided gutter system? What about one with gaps between the sections, forcing water to leak? Or what about a system with too much pitch to where it overflows, creating a trench around the foundation and causing soil erosion? Sounds like a nightmare, and unfortunately, these are common installation mistakes that even […]

Gutter Troubleshooting and Common Problems

We’re officially in fall, one of the most well-loved seasons thanks to pumpkin spice-flavored foods and drinks, crisp temperatures, and the return of football whether you cheer on the Bengals or Browns! Though autumn and the exciting outdoor activities, trick-or-treating, and sports that come along with the season are welcomed, we all know what’s to […]

The History of Home Gutters

Everything has a history, whether American history, the invention of cars, Ohio’s history, or even our home gutters. It’s hard to believe that the history of home gutters dates back thousands of years, all the way back to the Romans!  If you’re ready for a history lesson to learn more about your home gutter system […]

Seasonal Gutter Care

Homeowners have a lot on their to-do lists to keep their homes looking great and avoid major repairs. From pressure washing the siding to staining the shutters and pulling weeds, a household chore always needs completing when you own a home. One chore that should never be ignored is cleaning the gutters, something that’s often […]

Innovations in Gutter Technology

Though gutter systems may seem simple in design, they’ve evolved quite a bit since their invention back in 47 AD. Yes, that’s right – the first gutter system was invented nearly 2,000 years ago!  There have been plenty of innovations in gutter technology throughout the years. Sit back and relax as we take a history […]